Thursday, April 19, 2012

Movie : A Dangerous Method (2011)

Director : David Cronenberg
Wirters : Christopher Hampton, John Kerr
Sabina Spielrein : Keira Knightley
Sigmund Freud : Viggo Mortensen
Carl Jung : Michael Fassbender
Otto Gross : Vincent Cassel

"Carl Jung: Explain this analogy made between the sexes, the death instinct.
Sabina Spielrein: Professor Freud claims that the sexual drive arises from a simple urge towards pleasure. If he's right, the question is why is this urge so often successfully repressed?
Carl Jung: You used to have a theory involving the impulse towards destruction, self destruction. Losing oneself.
Sabina Spielrein: Suppose we think of sexuality as futile, losing oneself as you say, but losing oneself in the other. In other words, destroying ones own individuality. Wouldn't the ego in self defense automatically resist the impulse?
Carl Jung: You mean for selfish not for social reasons?
Sabina Spielrein: Yes. I'm saying that perhaps true sexuality demands the destruction of the ego.
Carl Jung: In other words, the opposite of what Freud proposes."

"Sigmund Freud: You know your paper led to one of the more stimulating discussions we've ever had at our psychoanalysis society. Do you really think the sexual drive is a demonic and destructive force?
Sabina Spielrein: Yes, at the same time as being a creative force. In the sense that it can produce out of the destruction of two individualities a new being, but the individual must always overcome resistance because of the self annihilating nature of the sexual act.
Sigmund Freud: Mm. I've thought against idea for some time. I suppose there must be some kind of indissoluble link between sex and death. I don't think the relationship between the two is quite the way you've portrayed it, but I'm most grateful to you for animating the subject in such a stimulating way. The only slight shark was your introduction at the very end of your paper of the name of Christ"

I Go Out On The Road Alone 
                                                 Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841)

Alone I set out on the road;
The flinty path is sparkling in the mist;
The night is still. The desert harks to God,
And star with star converses.

The vault is overwhelmed with solemn wonder
The earth in cobalt aura sleeps. . .
Why do I feel so pained and troubled?
What do I harbor: hope, regrets?

I see no hope in years to come,
Have no regrets for things gone by.
All that I seek is peace and freedom!
To lose myself and sleep!

But not the frozen slumber of the grave...
I'd like eternal sleep to leave
My life force dozing in my breast
Gently with my breath to rise and fall;

By night and day, my hearing would be soothed
By voices sweet, singing to me of love.
And over me, forever green,
A dark oak tree would bend and rustle.

"어떤 사람은 평범한 사람을 만나고, 어떤 사람은 광택나는 사람을 만나고, 어떤 사람은 빛나는 사람을 만나지. 하지만 모든 사람은 일생에 한번 무지개 같이 변하는 사람을 만난단다. 네가 그런 사람을 만났을 때 더 이상 비교할 수 있는게 없단다"  -Flipped

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