Sunday, August 26, 2012

Movie : The Apartment (1960)

Director : Billy Wilder
C.C. Baxter : Jack Lemmon
Fran Kubelik : Shirley MacLaine

  Did you hear what I said, Miss Kubelik? I absolutely adore you.

  (smiling) Shut up and deal!

영화는 처음에는 흥미로움을, 다음에는 당혹스러움을, 욕망을 마지막으로 순수함을.. 
다양한 모습을 보여주는 재미있는 영화였다. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Movie : West Side Story (1961)

Directors : Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise
Maria : Natalie Wood
Tony : Richard Beymer
Riff : Russ Tamblyn

I've just met a girl named Maria, 
And suddenly that name 
Will never be the same 
To me. 

I've just kissed a girl named Maria, 
And suddenly I've found 
How wonderful a sound 
Can be!

Say it loud and there's music playing-
Say it soft and it's almost like praying-
I'll never stop saying 

The most beautiful sound I ever heard. 

타이완에서 온 친구랑 재즈클럽에 갔었다. 요즘 거의 코스처럼 되어 가고 있는거 같다. 
바베큐 먹고, 재즈클럽에 가기 ㅎㅎ 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book : The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Author : Gertrude Stein (Feb 3, 1847 - July 27, 1946)
was an American writer, poet, and art collector who spent most of her life in France.


“She says it is a good thing to have no sense of how it is done in the things that amuse you. You should have one absorbing occupation and as for the other things in life for full enjoyment you should only contemplate results. In this way you are bound to feel more about it than those who know a little of how it is done.”

Monday, August 20, 2012

Museum : Hidden Tracks

Seoul Museum of Art : SeMA Gold 2012_Hidden Tracks

오전에 샌드위치 집을 찾아 다니다 SeMA까지 가버렸다. 새로운 전시가 있는지 궁금해서 큰 기대를 하지 않고 들렀는데.. "Hidden Tracks" 의외로 괜찮은 전시였다. 유명한 작가의 전시는 아니였지만 실험적이었고, 작가들이 작품을 표현하면서 느꼈을 희열을 쫓아가다 보니 예술가로써의 삶이 조금은 더 흥미로워졌다.

"One of the pleasant things those of us who write or paint do is to have the daily miracle. It does come." - Gertrude Stein

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Concert : Seoul Metropolitan Chorus

The 129th Regular Concert of Seoul Metropolitan Chorus 'Seoul Metropolitan Chorus's Exciting Concert'

예매를 해놓았던 공연이 있었는데.. 잊고 있었다. 아니 들어서는 순간까지도 갈까 말까를 많이 망설였는데.. 오랬만에 듣는 합창단의 목소리와 다양한 퍼포먼스는 작게나마 나에게 활력이 되었다. 물론 100%로 만족할 만한 공연은 아니였지만 ㅋ.. 주제넘게 말이다. ㅎ
가장 기억에 남는 노래는 전람회의 기억의 습작이었다.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Movie : Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

Director : Blake Edwards
Holly Golightly : Audrey Hepburn
Paul Varjak : George Peppard

Holly Golightly: I’m not Holly. I’m not Lula Mae, either. I don’t know who I am! I’m like Cat here, We’re a couple of no-name slobs. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other. Stop the cab. What do you think? This ought to be the right kind place for a tough guy like you—garbage cans, rats galore. Scram! I said take off! Beat it! Let’s go.

Paul Varjak: Driver... pull over here. You know what’s wrong with you, miss whoever-you-are? You’re chicken. You got no guts. You’re afraid to stick out your chin and say, “o.k., life’s a fact.” people do fall in love. People do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance anybody’s got for real happiness. You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing. And you’re terrified somebody’s going to stick you in a cage. Well, baby, you’re already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it’s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somaliland. It’s wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself. Here. I’ve been carrying this thing around for months. I don’t want it anymore.

I won't be change anything but everything will be changed except me.

Why We Travel

Pico Lyer (1957 - Present)
 is a British-born essayist and novelist. 

We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the globe whose riches are differently dispersed. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again – to slow time down and get taken in, and fall in love once more.
- Pico Iyer 

오랬만에 부모님을 모두 포함한 가족여행을 떠났었다. 우여곡절도 많았었지만 함께했던 시간과 부모님이 행복해 하는 모습들이 보기 좋았었다. 하루가 다르게 커가고 있는 조카들을 바라보면서 나를 회상하게 되었고, 부모님들을 보면서 나의 미래를 상상하게 되었다. 여러 새대들 동시에 느끼면서 나의 정체성에 대해서 다시 한번 고민하게 되었다. 시간은 영원히 지속되고 그 시간의 일부로써, 역사의 일부로써 나의 시간들을 채워가야 한다는 것을... 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Movie : Roman Holiday (1953)

Director : William Wyler
Joe Bradley : Gregory Peck
Princess Ann : Audrey Hepburn
Iving Radovich : Eddie Albert

"Princess Ann: I have to leave you now. I`m going to that corner there and turn. You must stay in the car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you.

Joe Bradley: All right.
Princess Ann: I don`t know how to say goodbye. I can`t think of any words.
Joe Bradley: Don`t try."

One Word More


This I say of me, but think of you, Love!
This to you--yourself my moon of poets!
Ah, but that's the world's side, there's the wonder,
Thus they see you, praise you, think they know you!
There, in turn I stand with them and praise you--
Out of my own self, I dare to phrase it.
But the best is when I glide from out them,
Cross a step or two of dubious twilight,
Come out on the other side, the novel
Silent silver lights and darks undreamed of,
Where I hush and bless myself with silence.

                                      - Robert Browning

Friday, August 10, 2012

Movie : The Great Gatsby (1974)

Director : Jack Clayton
Writer : F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jay Gatsby : Robert Redford
Daisy Buchanan : Mia Farrow
Nick Carraway : Sam Waterston

“Life is essentially a cheat and its conditions are those of defeat; the redeeming things are not happiness and pleasure but the deeper satisfactions that come out of struggle.” 
                                  -  F. Scott Fitzgerald

One Way Of Love

All June I bound the rose in sheaves. 
Now, rose by rose, I strip the leaves
And strew them where Pauline may pass.
She will not turn aside? Alas!
Let them lie. Suppose they die?
The chance was they might take her eye.

How many a month I strove to suit
These stubborn fingers to the lute!
To-day I venture all I know.
She will not hear my music? So!
Break the string; fold music's wing:
Suppose Pauline had bade me sing!

My whole life long I learned to love.
This hour my utmost art I prove
And speak my passion---heaven or hell?
She will not give me heaven? 'Tis well!
Lose who may---I still can say,
Those who win heaven, blest are they! 

                                    - Robert Browning

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Exercise : Swimming

정말 기나긴 여름인거 같다. 무더위가 이렇게 길었던 적이 없었던거 같은데...
무더운 여름이지만 그나마 위안을 받는 건 수영을 하면서다. ㅋ
힘이 들어가 있던 몸이 수영이 끝나고 나면 무거운 가방을 내려 놓은 것 처럼 몸이 가벼워지면서 힘이 빠지게 된다. 약간의 알콜이 더해지면 너무 행복해지는 거 같다. ㅎㅎ

책을 폈는데.. 첫 장만 여러번 읽게 되는거 같다. ㅎㅎ

Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
If you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry “Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!
 - Thomas Parke D’Invilliers

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Book : King Lear

William Shakespeare (Apr 26, 1564 - Apr 23, 1616)

말은 누구에게 다르게 해석될 수 있다. 진심의 말도, 진실도 어느 순간 어떻게 표현되느냐에 따라서 다른의미 또는 오해를 불러 일으킬 수 있다. 그러나 우리는 시간이 흐른 후에야 무엇이 진심이 었는지를 알게 된다. 어리석은 인간의 오해와 나약함을...
아픔을 이해하는 것은 쉬운 일은 아니다 그러나 그런 것들을 통해서 단단해진다고 해야 할까...  

[Aside] Then poor Cordelia!
And yet not so; since, I am sure, my love's
More richer than my tongue.

To thee and thine hereditary ever
Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom;
No less in space, validity, and pleasure,
Than that conferr'd on Goneril. Now, our joy,
Although the last, not least; to whose young love
The vines of France and milk of Burgundy
Strive to be interess'd; what can you say to draw
A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak.

Nothing, my lord.



Nothing will come of nothing: speak again.

Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave
My heart into my mouth: I love your majesty
According to my bond; nor more nor less."

This is a brave night to cool a courtezan.
I'll speak a prophecy ere I go:
When priests are more in word than matter;
When brewers mar their malt with water;
When nobles are their tailors' tutors;
No heretics burn'd, but wenches' suitors;
When every case in law is right;
No squire in debt, nor no poor knight;
When slanders do not live in tongues;
Nor cutpurses come not to throngs;
When usurers tell their gold i' the field;
And bawds and whores do churches build;
Then shall the realm of Albion
Come to great confusion:
Then comes the time, who lives to see't,
That going shall be used with feet.
This prophecy Merlin shall make; for I live before his time."

Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. 
If those who are not circumcised keep the law's requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? 
The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.
A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.
No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God. (Romans 2:25-29)

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Poem : To Live

Paul Éluard (Dec 14, 1895 - Nov 18, 1952)
was a French poet who was one of the founders of the surrealist movement.

To Live

We both have our hands to give 
Take mine I shall lead you afar 

I have lived several times my face has changed 
With every threshold I have crossed and every hand clasped Familial springtime was reborn 
Keeping for itself and for me its perishable snow 
Death and the betrothed 
The future with five fingers clenched and letting go 

My age always gave me 
New reasons for living through others 
For having the blood of man other's heart in mine 

Oh the lucid fellow I was and that I am 
Before the pallor of frail blind girls 
Lovelier than the delicate worn moon so fair 
By the reflection of life's ways 
A trail of moss anf trees 
Of mist and morning dew 
Of the young body which does not rise alone 
To its place on earth 
Wind cold and rain cradle it 
Summer makes a man of it 

Presesence is my virtue in each visible hand 
Only death is solitude 
From delight to fury from fury to clarity 
I make myself whole through all beings 
Through all weather on the earth and in the clouds 
Through the passing seasons I am young 
And strong for having lived 
I am young my blood rises over my ruins 

We have our hands to entwine Nothing can ever seduce better 
Tahn our bonding to each other a forest 
Returning earth to sky and the sky to night 

To the night which prepares an unending day.