Thursday, September 20, 2012

Poem : Now!


Out of your whole life give but a moment!
All of your life that has gone before,
All to come after it, -- so you ignore,
So you make perfect the present, condense,
In a rapture of rage, for perfection's endowment,
Thought and feeling and soul and sense,
Merged in a moment which gives me at last
You around me for once, you beneath me, above me --
Me, sure that, despite of time future, time past,
This tick of life-time's one moment you love me!
How long such suspension may linger? Ah, Sweet,
The moment eternal -- just that and no more --
When ecstasy's utmost we clutch at the core,
While cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shut, and lips meet! 

  - Robert Browning

Monday, September 03, 2012

Book : The Old Man and The Sea

Ernest Hemingway (July 21, 1899 - July 2, 1961)

“But man is not made for defeat,” he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

Movie : Perfect Sense (2011)

Director : David Mackenzie
Susan : Eva Green
Michael : Ewan McGregor

"Slowly things return to normal and life goes on.
People do what they did before as best as they can.
Within a few weeks taste becomes a distant memory
and different sensations takes its place."

"People prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
They concentrate to the things that are important to them..
all the things beyond fact and flower. "

Movie : 577 Project
Director : Kunwoo Lee
Jungwoo Ha
Hyojin Gong

한동안은 시간이 너무 빨리 간다 싶었는데, 근래에 몇일간은 시간이 좀 게으름을 피우며 지나간거 같다.  다양한 감정들과 무모함을 알고 달려드는 사람들과 상처 받을 줄 알면서도 하는 시도들과 정체성에 대한 의문들... 두려워지기 시작한다. 난 도대체 어디에 있는 것인지...